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  • Product Info

    Directions: Swallow one Meri Capsule capsule with a glass of water per day, one hour before breakfast. We recommend drinking 2 to 3 liters of water per day.

    Ready-made fruit juices, alcohol, sweetened and caffeine-rich drinks should be avoided. Pastries, ready meals and sugary foods should absolutely not be consumed. Meri Capsule provides a feeling of satiety after use, care should be taken not to skip meals.

    Reminder: Pregnant and breastfeeding women, people using medications for depression, people with liver disease, kidney disease, heart failure, high blood pressure, gastritis, ulcers should not consume Meri products.

    Ingredients: Green Tea, Red Pepper, Guarana Fruit, Medical Starch, Citrus Gum, Citrus Fruits.

    Note: Meri Capsule is not a medicine.


100% Natural

100% Natural

100% Natural

100% Natural

100% Natural

100% Natural

100% Natural

100% Natural

100% Natural

100% Natural